Sassy Southern Belle

Monday, June 26, 2006


You Are Cookie Monster

Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth.

You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around.

You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking

How you live your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!"

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Well Kiddies....

I've been AWOL for a while now...
And OH the adventures I've had !
The latest is the war I'm embroiled in with my future sister-in-law.
It's been going on for a few weeks now and she recently tried to cut and run from the situation without anything being resolved.
But, like the persistent cuss I am, I grabbed her by the neck and pulled her head out of the sand saying "We're not DONE YET !"
Still awaiting a response on that one...we're almost up to a week since I sent my kick in the ass to her....I give it until exactly one week and then I'll have to send a warning shot her way.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Theifed from the Absynthe of Truth !

You Are 78% Evil

You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Popping My Idol Cherry

Tonight was the first time I made it through on the phone lines to vote for my fav Idol ! ! !
I've never actually watched the show past the people who suck at the tryouts in the beginning - not until this season.
I'm officially hooked.
And I haven't voted up until now but I felt that now that we're down to 5 every vote counts and that it was my time to start participating.
My redial button has never gotten so much exercise ! ! !


WHAT is WITH the dirty commercials on late night t.v.????
The most disgusting one so far was the indescriminate sex one where there's a guy and a chick are banging in a bathroom stall and all you hear is moaning and then them leaving the bathroom - apparently they were just horney strangers looking to screw !
EEEWWWW ! ! ! ! !
WHO are the people who actually call these lines?!??!?!

Monday, May 01, 2006


Long weekend...
And a long day to boot...
At least tomorrow is Tuesday and I'm one day closer to Friday.
On the upside, I realized that as of today we are just a little over a month from our first vacation of the year. A week down South is EXACTLY what I need and the time for us to leave can't get here fast enough !

Monday, April 24, 2006

PMS...and other acronyms...

I'm all about the TMI today....
I'm PMS-ing HARDCORE this evening...
If I could, I'd have a big fat banana split for dinner tonight, but alas that's not on the menu so I'm SOL...
My kitten, Loki, is being a PITA but he's cute so I suppose I'll let him escape my wrath for tonight regardless of how much he acts like an SOB to Agador.
By tomorrow I will likely feel like a POS, so if I'm MIA for awhile I'm hoping you will understand.
That's all for now, folks.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

LONG weekend...
Actually, LONG Saturday....
Resisted the urge to physically harm one of the people I was with...
Have spent a good portion of today doing NOTHING aside from watching movies and enjoying a lovely fire.
DO NOT want to go to work tomorrow but, unfortunately, there are bills to be paid.
Good dinner planned for tonight, though, which is a plus...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sick Chick

I'm home today...
Another sick day under my belt, I suppose.
I feel like crap and have for the past few weeks. Yesterday was the worst of it - I really should've taken yesterday off - but today I'm not much better so I thought it would be best for me to just take a day and try to deal with this.
For those of you who don't know, I have an issue with my digestive system and my medication was only FDA approved for 3 now I'm in a study for an experimental drug. The problem is that I haven't started the study yet in terms of taking the mystery pill...first my system has to be "clean" and I have to get the old meds out.
This process SUCKS ! ! !
So today is a bad day...and I'm stuck in the house as a result.
I just got the lecture from J that I am to RELAX and REST today - that I'm not to try to be productive around the house because I always push myself even during sick days and he's not wanting me to do that again considering how badly I'm feeling.
Somehow I don't think he has to worry about anything...all I want to do is sleep and be comfortable.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Insult to Injury !

This morning...
It wasn't just poop in our was pee as well ! ! ! !
I did a search and found that some cats are hypersensitive to the smell of urine/poo in their boxes and think it "dirty" so they will choose places like the bathtub instead.
Lil Bit was using the small litter box. He's all of 3 1/2 pounds so I thought it would be TOTALLY adequate for him. So, after reading about finicky cats and litter boxes I upgraded him to a "big boy" box. So far so good. I also put about an inch of water in the bathtub to further deter him.
I'm not going to call this war won yet - but it's looking promising so far.

And, I'm sorry y'all, but I have to bitch for a few minutes here...

So, I sent out an e-mail to our wedding party requesting fun/goofy pictures for our wedding website. My cousin started this trend and we figured it would be a good time for all. J's sister is, of course, the exception to all of this. A day or two after I sent that e-mail she calls J and starts whining and saying "do I HAVE to?!?!". Since I was not thinking and didn't cc J on the e-mail he didn't know what she was referring to and said "no" to which he got a dirty look and a "WHAT?!?!?" out of me. He's said that he'll address this with her. It is completely out of line that she chose to try to circumvent me ! As if that weren't bad enough, she's continuously asked J when I was planning to take the girls dress shopping to which he's consistently replied that he has NO IDEA and that she needs to ask ME about it.
I put her on my distribution list the last website update I did. That update included J's friend's picture sumbission and I was all like "THANKS !" to her. It was my "subtle" little way of being like "YOU'RE the only one not participating here girlie !"
So today I get an e-mail from her.
No message just an attachment.
It's some picture of her at some sorority function. She's all dressed up and it's a "nice" picture.
Nothing goofy about it.
I responded saying "Not sure what this is for?"
She responded with a silly e-mail about how she doesn't have any goofy pictures of herself but that this is a recent one of her I can use !
PUHLEEZE ! ! ! !
I REALLY wanted to respond to her - but was convinced otherwise.
So I updated my site and put a really nice note at the top of the wedding party page about how great a lot of the people were about being good sports and participating in this. Under her picture I put "she claims to not have any "goofy" pictures of herself, so she gave me this one instead".
I want to smack the crap out of that little shit !
WHY does J's family have to make every step of this wedding an uphill battle with them?!?!?!
Makes me want to reconsider getting married all together.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Demon Spawn !

Does this little face look like trouble to you?????

Well, if you think not then think AGAIN !
This little fella has taken to pooping in our tub ! ! ! !
He did it the first night we pinned him in the bathroom (he gets pinned up at night and while we're at work). He got the "NO NO NO !" and a tap on his butt. I figured it was an accident.

This past week - he's used his litter box faithfully.

This morning.
AFTER he was "released" to run free in the house at that ! ! ! ! ! !
This afternoon....
MORE POOP ! ! ! !
And he's had run of the house ALL DAY ! ! !
That little SHIT ! ! !
He got punished this time. Solitary confinement for 20 minutes.
He's been sulking ever since.
Let that be a lesson to him NOT to poop in ANYWHERE but his litter box from now on !

Friday, April 07, 2006

TGIF ! ! !

How glad I am to see thee ! ! ! ! !
It's been a VERY long week and hopefully the weekend will be at least somewhat relaxing.
Tomorrow is the day mom comes down and we go to order my wedding dress. I'm not the weight I was aiming to be by this point, but then again I have been kept from exercising thanks to illness.
I have until October and I'm sure I'll be fine.
Now, I'd keep typing, but Lil Bit keeps trying to climb all over my keyboard and bite my hand.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

LB update

So, Lil Bit and Ag are starting to bond somewhat.
However, I think Agador is taking on the more "adult" role in this relationship...
Lil Bit, however, grabs every opportunity to try to get him to play !

And after a long night of playing, he FINALLY decided to SIT STILL and relax !

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday ! ! !

The hand of a woman who was made to wait a 1/2 hour at the dr's office for no good reason (I had an appointment with a staff member and no one bothered to tell her I was there, apparently !)

Monday, April 03, 2006


Our new little friend ! ! ! !

He doesn't have a name as of yet - his foster mom named him "Harry" but we don't really think that fits him. So for now I'm referring to him as "Little Bit" until we can come up with a proper name for him.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

GRRRRR ! ! ! !

So, J and I went to the animal shelter today...
And we found a kitty who we both COMPLETELY fell in love with.
Everyone at the shelter SEEMED VERY nice.
Until, that is, we filled out the application.
I was honest and said that I'd have the cat declawed - mainly because my two current cats are and I'd want them to be safe if they got into a tangle with our new family member. The little shit behind the calendar informed me (in a REALLY snotty way) that they REFUSE to adopt out cats to ANYONE who would dare to declaw a cat. She went on to "inform" us that if we did get the cat and did have him declawed that they WOULD FIND OUT and WOULD NOT be HAPPY ! ! !
The ENTIRE staff turned to ice towards us when all of this happened.
Nice to be nasty !
And the thing that kills me is that they told me (before the drama ensued) that they had a HUGE waiting list of animals to come into their facility because they're filled to capacity !
My friends and family are ALWAYS saying that when they die they want to come back as one of my cats - so it's not like I'm a bad pet owner ! ! ! !
I am SOOOO annoyed !
So, I've contacted the group I got Panya & Agador from and left a message for them saying that I'm looking for a 3rd kitty to add to our household and asked that they call me back to let me know what sort of "inventory" they have in terms of kittens.
At least I know that THEY are good people who UNDERSTAND that declawing isn't cruel and, if it's between a cat getting declawed and having a good home or a cat not getting declawed, becoming destructive and then being given up then option 1 is the way to go !

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

So, today I got my MaryKay squared away....
And invested some more of my money in this little venture of mine.
J seems unhappy in that I don't think he approves of how much I've spent thus far - what he doesn't realize is that I wouldn't put in more than I could afford.
Should anyone out in bloggerworld be interested in MaryKay and is in need of a consultant...I have a website through the company for orders - let me know if you are interested and I'll send you the info.

O.k., I'm going to participate in "Self Portrait Tuesday" starting today !

Say Cheese !

Sunday, March 26, 2006

What A Host Of Events As Of Late !

First I, the girl who hardly EVER wears make-up, becomes a Mary Kay lady...
Then we made a decision, but I don't want to jinx it, so I'm not going to go into what that is - I already feel it is a doomed hope, so I don't want to make my chances any worse....
Then we had to go to J's family's house tonight to have "cake" for his sister's birthday. YEESH ! Am I glad THAT'S over ! Those people make me SOOOO uncomfortable ! ! ! ! And his sister is SUCH a brat ! At least we didn't have to make it through a dinner with them as well !
And the only thing ANY of them have had to say about the wedding as of tonight is "how are things progressing?" and J asked them "in terms of what? our lives? the house?". This is the FIRST time the step-mother has SEEN me since we got engaged and STILL has said NOTHING in terms of a "congratulations" and to piss me off that much more they are remodeling 2 rooms in their house yet they can't OFFER up ANY money towards the wedding?!?!?!??!?
Fuckers !
I am SOOOO glad we don't have to deal with them very often !

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Home Today

Not feeling too great today....
So IMd my boss to say I'd work from home if that was o.k. with him.
He told me to just take a sick day.
I gave him a compromise - I'll call it a sick day and not be online but a couple of times to check into my e-mail to see if anyone needs anything.
The sad thing is that it's all of 9:16 am and I'm ALREADY bored out of my skull !

In A Past Life I Was...

You Were a Lynx

You are a great knower and keeper of secrets.
A bit psychic, you can bring out hidden truths.

Friday, March 17, 2006

As Snagged from The Absynthe of Truth...

You Are Olive Green

You are the most real of all the green shades. You're always true to yourself.
For you, authenticity and honesty are very important... both in others and yourself.
You are grounded and secure. It takes a lot to shake you.
People see you as dependable, probably the most dependable person they know.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

My Little Boy....

is not acting right.

I think he's still missing Gollum. In the short time they knew one another they became buddies and there's no way I can explain to him what happened.
Agador has always been the character of our house - and he's always been very loving and the first one to want to snuggle.
He's changed.
He doesn't really let us pet him and he doesn't even lay on the couch anymore - instead he lies on the floor - in much the same way he's lying in this picture.

My poor little love.
I wish there was something I could do for him.